Open New Account

4 Level Monthly Referral Commission

1.25% Monthly

Level 1

1% Monthly

level 2

0.5% Monthly

level 3

0.25% Monthly

Level 4

Our belief in iSaves is that the best advertisement is the advertisement that results from our customers' satisfaction with our performance. This is the reason why most of our new customers are referrals to older customers and enter our collection through their introduction. We believe that there is no better advertisement than having satisfied customers. We are proud that our customers like to recommend our financial services to others. pays for the popularity of its investment program, and anyone can get rewarded. To benefit from this, you must tell your friends, relatives or colleagues about our company. We offer 4 levels of monthly referral commission: The first level of direct referrals from you will entitle you to a commission of 1.25% commission, the second level gives you commission of 1%, the third level is 0.5% and the fourth level is 0.25%. You can definitely make a lot of money from the referral commissions you receive!